Buy this wine! I love this wine. The 2005 Petalos, Bierzo DO, Descendientes de J. Palacios. I bought a case a week ago and I'm already through 6 bottles. It's rich, it's delicious, it has great acidity and life, and a distinct personality that sets it apart from the average fruit bomb. At 12 Euros it is a steal. They made 220,000 bottles of this organically grown Bierzo so there is plenty for the world to share. Bug, no, pester your local merchant to get you some of this because Petalos is a star. (postscript, Parker gave the 2004, a very good vintage, 90-93 points and most people in Spain consider 2005 a BETTER vintage) In the USA, imported by The Rare Wine company, in Belgium, by La Buena Vida
Surprise. My local wine store had this wine in stock! Based on your gushing comments, I bought a bottle. Sorry to say I found its emphatic, dominant tastes of smokey, burnt toast---burnt black cherry--and tar very disappointing. I'd give it an 81-83 out of 100.It tasted just as poorly 6, 12 and 24 hours later.
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